17/10/2014 |
2014-10-17 資助高武嬌蓮小學工作已完成。
1/10/2014 |
2014-10-1 喬桑小學教學樓工程照片記錄,
30/09/2014 |
27/06/2014 |
09/06/2014 |
28/04/2014 |
11/04/2014 |
援建陽朔(樟桂小學)圖書室工程進度照片記錄04, 照片記錄是進行室內、外牆、樓頂部批灰裝修的工作。
11/03/2014 |
援建陽朔(樟桂小學)圖書室工程進度照片記錄03, 照片記錄是進行混凝土蓋樓頂工程中。下一步是室內外牆批灰裝修的工作。
15/02/2014 |
援建陽朔(樟桂小學)圖書室工程進度照片記錄02, 下一步工作是進行混凝土蓋樓頂工程。
另項:馮炳欣先生(PY Fung)贊助善款HK$5000,協助修建該校圖書室側面的兒童遊樂場部份設施。本基金公司謹致衷心感謝! |
01/02/2014 |
26/12/2013 |
2013 Sponsor of Library Project for Yangshuo <Zhanggui Primary School>
The project of charity sale of selected photographs for building school at Guizhou mountain region was organized by CCEF with huge support and donation from the Kingdom Sanitary Products Co. Ltd. Guangdong via its “Kingdom Mutual Hearts and Action Educational Foundation”, together with generous donations from other 101 organizations and individuals, thereby enabling the launch and implementation of the two projects, the construction of Leishan Qiaosang Primary School Teaching Building Project , and the Yangshuo Zhanggui Primary School Library Project respectively.
Details of the Yangshuo Zhanggui Primary School Library Project:
Total subsidize amounting to RMB 200,000 for the construction a library floor of 83 square meters, one toilet each at the upper and lower floors totaling 30 square meters, bookracks, desks and chairs and acquisition of first book collection. Please refer to the construction plan attached.
Being the title sponsor of this project, Kingdom Sanitary Products Co. Ltd. names this library as “Zhanggui Primary School Kingdom Memorial Library”. |
25/12/2013 |
2013資助陽朔卓越學生計劃照片記錄 |
15/10/2013 |
羊卡思源小学获奖学生名单2013 |
15/10/2013 |
2013 School Library Books Sponsor Project
In the past years, CCEF has invited Hong Kong and China donors to setup libraries at schools at the mountain regions, with a view to fostering the students to study both at schools and homes along with their families for mutual benefits in terms of knowledge broadening. There is also a continuing scheme of updating books collection in every two years.
CCEF extends sincere thanks to Mr. Ringo M.S. MA, Managing Director of Maxima Group cum CCEF Honorary President for his generous sponsorship of the library books project for this year.
Names of schools receiving new books collection each valued ¥4,000
Leishan Province Wangfeng Town (Yangka Xiyuan Primary School)
Leishan Province Dade Town (Yamong Xiyuan Primary School)
Congjiang Province Cuili Town (Gouwu Lotus Primary School).
Leishan Province Dade Town (Wukong Primary School*)
(*note : Books presented to this school by Mr. Lu Guoning, Supervisor of Leishan Province Intelligence Branch of Education Bureau)
1. Project has been successfully undertaken during school visits in October 2013.
2. Attached Photo:Mr. Billy WONG of Maxima Group, on behalf of Mr. Ringo M.S. MA, presented the books to the schools respectively. |
15/10/2013 |
羊卡思源小学获奖学生名单2013 |
14/10/2013 |
雷山縣望豐鄉 羊卡思源小學27名 合計:¥2,850元
雷山縣達地鄉 也蒙思源小學27名 合計:¥2,850元
從江縣翠裡鄉 高武嬌蓮小學27名 合計:¥2,850元
雷山縣達地鄉 烏空小學27名 合計:¥2,850元(县智力支边办主任陆国宁先生代辦) |
14/10/2013 |
Leishan (Qiaosang Primary School) Teaching Building Project
Summary of contract signing ceremony
The captioned ceremony took place on 14.10.2013, at the playground of Qiaosang Primary School, located at Yongle Town, Leishan,Guizhou. Participants attended include :
Mr.YE Jianwen,Deputy County Governor
Mr.LI Yuwen, CPPCC County Deputy Chairman cum Industry & Commerce Union Chairman
Madam QIU Zhaojuan, CPPCC County Deputy Chairlady
Mr.LIU Shun, County Education Bureau Commissioner
Messrs.Li Wenshun, and CHEN Wei, County Education Bureau Deputy Commissioners
Mr.LU Guoning, Supervisor, County Intelligence Branch of Education Bureau
Mr.TAI Bangsheng, Deputy Mayor of Yongle Town
Mr.William TANG, Managing Director of Kingdom Sanitary Products Co.Ltd. Guangdong .
Madam Linda LO, Secretary-General, A.TANG Scholarship
CCEF President Mr.Ban H.K.LI, and Committee Members Messrs HE Jianlin, CHEUNG Chun-hung, Frankie LIU, and Madam Ada MAK.
Hong Kong donors: Messrs LUI Chi-man, Billy WONG and Ms Winnie LI
Guangzhou donors: Mr.HUNG Fan-hoi,Ms KAN Lim-tsz, Ms KAN Oi-tsz and Ms WONG Kin-sun. Together with all the teaching staff and students, a group photograph was taken for record purpose.
The contract was formally signed by the aforesaid Mr.Ban H.K.LI, Madam QIU Zhaojuan and Mr.LIU Shun.
This project was organized by CCEF with huge support from Kingdom Sanitary Products Co.Ltd. Guangdong via its “Kingdom Mutual Hearts and Action Educational Foundation” to foster the charity sale of selected photographs and generous donations from 101 organizations and individuals. Many thanks to Mr. William TANG and his team for their tremendous efforts in bringing this project into implement!.
1. This 3-floor teaching building with 6 classrooms, is subsidized with construction cost of RMB 0.873 million.
2. This new teaching building is named by the title sponsor, kingdom Sanitary Products Co. Ltd. Guangdong as “Qiaosang Primary School Kingdom Memorial Building”.
3. The project is planned to be complete by mid-2014.
01/09/2013 |
由孔憲庸(Tony)帶領組織一批熱心人士,設立一個名為「901慈善音樂演唱會」作義演,及義售音樂CD碟,為國內貴州山區貧困學生籌款,務求改善他們的學習環境和基本生活。該工作項目已於本年九月份完成。承蒙各位義工和善長鼎力支持,無數兒童將獲裨益,實不勝感激,中國山區兒童就學(香港)關注基金有限公司仝人謹致衷心感謝! |
22/04/2013 |
「A鄧獎學金」贊助 2012年資助羊卡思源小學維修工程 |
20/02/2013 |
為使援建山區學校及設施計劃成功進行,必定需要廣大有心機構及善長大力支持。素仰 貴公司和閣下積極參與和關心國內山區學校教育事業的發展,為偏遠山區的一群莘莘學子謀福趾。現專函誠邀 貴公司和閣下鼎力支持(籌款義賣照片計劃),如蒙答允,無數兒童將獲裨益,實不勝感激。本基金將在「貴州政協報」、「黔東南日報」、「陽朔日報」、本基金宣傳網站中加以鳴謝!
如有任何寶貴意見或查詢,請聯絡本基金主席李鴻鐧先生 (Ban LI) 電話:9418 8406
(E) banhkli@netvigator.com, 或聯絡委員廖建忠先生 電話:9632 1309。請瀏覽本基金宣傳網站:www.ccef.org.hk。謝謝!
⦁ 本基金主席李鴻鐧 (Ban LI)提供六款攝影作品(現珍藏於各國家地區博物館),作選購義賣籌款,所籌得的善款(扣除製作照片)費用後,全數撥入上述援建偏遠山區小學工作計劃。
每幅照片義賣籌款價 港幣2萬圓/幅。
⦁ 有關製作和裝裱照片方式,以國際級博物館收藏標準模式作裝裱。為表彰和鳴謝各善長慷概捐贈,本基金採用金属片刻上善長中英文姓名,裱貼在照片下方框內。
⦁ 有關照片外木框尺吋為20x24吋,畫芯尺吋16x20吋。照片選用博物館認可的相紙打印,裝裱咭紙是選用按國際級(無酸標準)模式。
01. 「璀燦煙花耀青馬」彩色攝影作品於2000年 榮獲香港文化博物館珍藏、於2012年榮獲 香港城市大學圖書館珍藏
“The Firework” Colour Print
Collected by Run Run Shaw Library - City University of Hong Kong
02. 「炮竹賀端陽」彩色攝影作品 榮獲英國大英博物館珍藏
“The Dragon-boat Festival” Colour Print
The Royal Photographic Society 2003 Member Exhibition Selection
03. 「古帆遠影碧空盡」黑白攝影作品 榮獲西班牙國家攝影博物館珍藏、於2012年榮獲香港城市大學圖書館珍藏
Collected by Run Run Shaw Library - City University of Hong Kong
04. 「展佛」彩色攝影作品 於2000年 榮獲香港文化博物館珍藏
“Unfolding the Giant Portrait of Buddha” Colour Print
05. 「江南水鄉」黑白攝影作品 於2012年 榮獲香港城市大學圖書館珍藏
“Water Landscape” B&W Print
Collected by Run Run Shaw Library - City University of Hong Kong
06. 「停不了的歡呼」彩色攝影作品 於2012年 榮獲香港城市大學圖書館珍藏
“Endless Joyous” Colour Print
Collected by Run Run Shaw Library - City University of Hong Kong
戶名 : 中國山區兒童就學(香港)關注基金有限公司
Chinese Children’s Education Foundation Ltd
銀行 : 香港匯豐銀行HSBC
賬號 : 636-238339-001
註:然後請將入數紙寫上中英文姓名、聯絡電話資料,電郵至 banhkli@netvigator.com

原文: http://www.glyszx.com/listview.asp?id=884 |
26/09/2012 |
日期:2012年9月26日 |
05/09/2012 |
也蒙思源小學 資助紀錄 2012-09 |
05/09/2012 |
羊卡思源小學 資助紀錄 2012-09 |
05/09/2012 |
烏空小學 資助紀錄 2012-09 |
05/09/2012 |
三角田小學 資助紀錄 2012-09 |
05/09/2012 |
高武嬌蓮小學 資助紀錄 2012-09 |
2012-04李福和教育基金探訪和資助貴州新塘小學 |
29/04/2012 |
2012年4月李福和教育基金(香港)資助貴州雷山(民族中學)16名貧困學生 |
28/04/2012 |
2012-04李福和教育基金(香港)探訪和資助貴州雷山羊卡思源小學 |
07/02/2012 |
Bi-annual Activity Report on 2011
1. Incentive Scheme
A pilot incentive scheme, with initial contributions from Madam Celine Cheung and her siblings, is set up to award primary 4-6 students with outstanding examination scores; details as below :-
Class |
First |
Second |
Third |
Fourth-Sixth |
Total RMB |
Primary 4 |
RMB¥300 |
RMB¥200 |
RMB¥150 |
RMB¥100 |
¥950 |
Primary 5 |
RMB¥300 |
RMB¥200 |
RMB¥150 |
RMB¥100 |
¥950 |
Primary 6 |
RMB¥300 |
RMB¥200 |
RMB¥150 |
RMB¥100 |
¥950 |
Total: |
¥2,850 |
The beneficial schools include Yangka Xiyuan Primary School, Yamong Xiyuan Primary School, Gouwu Lotus Primary School. (Remarks : Miss Linda Tran has kindly sponsored the students of Wukong Primary School scheme with the sum of ¥1,900, under adjusted distribution.)
2. Annual Library Books Supplement Sponsorship Scheme
Mr. Cheung Chun-hung (CCEF committee member) and his spouse, Madam Mak Man-yee have kindly sponsored books with value amounting ¥2,000, to each of the 3 schools, namely;
Yangka Xiyuan Primary School, Yamong Xiyuan Primary School, Gouwu Lotus Primary School.
3. 2011-2012 Sponsorship Scheme for students with financial hardship
3-1 Mr. Teddy W. Wood of Wood’s Photo Supplies sponsored 20 students of Gouwu Lotus School (Note: this sponsorship runs for a period of 5 years (2012-2016), totaling ¥20,000
3-2 Mr. Alan Lim sponsored 50 students of Gouwu Lotus Primary School, totaling ¥10,000
3-3 Mr. Alan Lim sponsored 50 students of Yamong Xiyuan Primary School, totaling ¥10,000
3-4 Individual contributors of Hong Kong sponsored 51 students of Yamong Xiyuan Primary School
3-5 Individual contributors of Hong Kong sponsored 55 students of Yangka Xiyuan Primary School
3-6 Individual contributors of Hong Kong sponsored 5 students of Sanjiaotian Primary School
Our heartedly thanks to all the sponsors for their generous donation and continued support.
4. 2011-2012 Sponsorship Scheme - students with financial hardship at Yangshou, Guangxi area.
Outstanding actions are being taken, details to be reported later.
5. August 2011 Fund-raising Exercise
Special note of thanks to Miss Fok Miu-han (CCEF committee member) who has kindly donated HK$5,000 towards the operating/administrative fees of the financial year.
6. Li Fook Woo Education Fund (Hong Kong) Sponsorship Scheme
6-1 Financial assistance of ¥6,000 towards maintenance works of Yangka Xiyuan Primary School.
6-2 Financial assistance of ¥19,680 being school fees of 16 students of Leishanxian Cultural Secondary School. Special note of thanks to all members of Li Fook Woo Education Fund (HK).
7. Nutrition Plans at various schools
Name of School |
Sponsors/Amount |
CCEF Aides |
Total |
Gouwu Lotus Primary School |
Mr. Li King-yue /¥2,500 |
¥2,500 |
Wukong Primary School |
Miss Linda Tran /¥2,000 |
¥500 |
¥2,500 |
Yamong Xiyuan Primary School |
Miss Linda Tran /¥2,000 |
¥500 |
¥2,500 |
Yangka Xiyuan Primary School |
Miss Linda Tran /¥2,000 |
¥500 |
¥2,500 |
02/04/2010 |
Sponsorship of stationery for Leishanxian Wuhong Primary School by Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lim
CCEF organized a charity event named “2010 Observation Tour of Guizhou Mountain Region School Aide” with a view to facilitating more Hong Kong organizations and institutions with an in-dept insight of the education conditions thereby promoting potential aids towards the educational facilities.
The tour leader is Mr. He Jianlin assisted by Mr. Cheung Chun-hung and Mr. Frankie Liu, all CCEF’s committee members. Tour members are Miss Linda Tran and Mr. Heinrich Harndt; Mr. Gordon P.K. Lee and Miss Jade Cheung, respectively secretary general and fund raising coordinator of Li Fook Woo Education Fund (HK); Mr. Ho Kam-wah, HK Civil Servant Association member; Miss Ko Kam-lan, and Malaysian Chinese Mr. Lee Loong-wun.
The initial project relates to contributions by Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lim regarding Wuhong School (stationery donation), each of the 188 students receives a back-pack containing comprehensive stationery package and each teacher receives a teaching bonus in recognition of their efforts. |
10/03/2010 |
中國山區兒童就學(香港)關注基金有限公司邀請李福和教育基金(香港)聯合援建山區學校工作計劃,援建貴州省從江縣翠里瑤族壯族鄉(高武嬌蓮小學)教學樓設施外,配套學生宿舍設施的洗手間、學生廚房食堂工程已於2010年3月份完成並投入使用。 |
24/12/2009 |
Summary of Projects for the period June - December 2009 |
The educational aids projects for the school term 2009-2010 have been fully accomplished through the mutual co-operation among various organizations and all CCEF members. Many thanks to all the sponsors and CCEF members for their continued support in fund raising for the benefit of students with financial hardship at several Guizhou schools.
Number of students granted with educational aids for the period 2009-2010
1. Leishanxian Mongfengxiang Yangka Xiyuan Primary School : 52
2. Leishanxian Dateixiang Yamong Xiyuan Primary School : 58
3. Leishanxian Datiexiang Yamong Xiyuan Primary School : 50
4. Congjiangxian Chuili Gouwu Lotus Primary School : 50
5. Congjiangxian Chuili Gouwu Lotus Primary School : 20
6. High School and University students at Guangxi Yangshou : 11 (Note : # new sponsor Mr. Allan Lam) Special note of thanks to Mr. LEE Wai-king for his donation towards our operation cost Supplement Library Books
Acquisition Project sponsored by Mr. LEE King-yue Special note of thanks to Mr. LEE for his sponsorship in the acquisition of supplementary books for the following schools:
1. Leishanxian Mongfengxiang Yangka Xiyuan Primary School
2. Leishanxian Dateixiang Yamong Xiyuan Primary School
3. Congjiangxian Chuili Gouwu Lotus Primary School
Nutrition Plan sponsored by Mr. William Wood As majority of the students at Guizhou mountain area are residing far away from their schools, their daily meals at school are only plain rice and nominal preserved chili and/or vegetables, all lacking of nutrition. Mr. Wood has kindly sponsored a 6-month pilot nutrition scheme for providing student meal once a week for all the 218 students at Gouwu Lotus Primary School.
Special note of thanks to Mr. Allan IP, CPA, for his voluntary service and donation towards our operating cost.
Mr. LEE King-yue’s Anti-cold Scheme Special note of thanks to Mr. LEE for his generous provision of shoes and stockings pacakge to all student of the following schools :
1.Congjiangxian Chuili Gouwu Lotus Primary School (218 students)
2. Leishanxian Mongfengxiang Yangka Xiyuan Primary School (202 students)
Student Dormitory at Gouwu Lotus School is due to complete shortly Forthcoming Activity With a view to developing our educational scheme at Guizhou schools, an observation tour is planned to introduce CCEF’s works at Guizhou to Mr. Alan Lim and his family. Interested members please contact Mr. Ban LI for reservation and details of provisional itinerary. Also Mr. KWONG Chung-yee, Supervisor of HK Films and Arts Union Scheme and his student will join the tour for filming and producing video documentation of the event. Tour Leader Mr. He Jinlin, CCEF committee member Tour Staff : Mr. Frankie LIU, CCEF committee member Tour Staff : Mr. C.H. CHEUNG
CCEF committee member Ban H.K. LI, President, Chinese Children’s Education Foundation Ltd. 24 December 2009 |
13/10/2009 |
06/09/2009 |
李鏡禹善長贊助貴州三所山區學校圖書館書刊存量 |
05/09/2009 |
資助貴州三所山區學校貧困學生記錄 |
06/05/2009 |
由貴州省從江縣教育局、李福和教育基金(香港)、中國山區兒童就學(香港)關注基金有限公司聯合援建「高武嬌蓮小學」學生宿舍、洗手間、學生飯堂附屬設施,建築工程正進行中。 |
26/12/2008 |
Report on the construction of Gouwu Lotus School Building
& additional facilities at Cuilixiang, Congjiang, Guizhou, China
In Autumn2006, Mr. Ban H.K. Li and Mr. He Jin Lin, President and Committee Member respectively of CCEF, together with several Hong Kong photographers, visited Gouwu Primary School located at the remote mountainous region of Cuili village, Congjiang, Qiandongnan, Guizhou province, China. The party, led by Mr. Huang Ming Guang(Qiandongnan State Political Consultative Vice-President ), observed the poor educational facilities there and the shortage of basic facilities such as toilets. The poor resident students with homes far away could only afford chili and preserved vegetables to go with plain rice as daily meals; sometimes the vegetables turned soar and the poor students had plain rice only. Malnutrition was common among the students who were eager to study despite of the hardship. The party was sad to see situation and instantly arranged to sponsor school fees for the poorest 40 students. After in-depth discussion and in consultation with the officials of relevant educational bureau and authorities, CCEF members then decided to up-grade the educational facilities with a view to enhancing the education quality and methods. Prior to departure, the party received a construction proposal for the Gouwu School, including main school building, toilets and canteen facilities. Following a series of discussion and research, the CEEF executive committee gave a green light to the project proposal. Then initial preparatory work of seminar and photographic exhibition was held at Polytechnic University to introduce CEEF’s scope of work for the well being of the poor minority tribes. Meanwhile, CEEF invited Li Fook Education Fund (LFEF) to join hands in the project.
In May 2007, Mr. Ban H.K. Li and LFEF’s Secretary General, Mr. Gordon P.K. Lee signed an agreement for the project, witnessed by, LFEF’s Director, Miss Li Yuen-ping. Also Mr. LEE named the school as “The Gouwu Lotus School” in memory of his late mother Madam CHAN Lin Kiu. He then wrote the school name in Chinese calligraphy. The secondary project was to establish “The Benevolence Library” in the new teaching building and a long term plan for its running and book supplement as well as monitoring system. It is named after Mr. Lee’s late father Mr. Lee Chak-kwan.
On 19 October 2007, Mr. Ban H.K. Li and Mr. He Jin Lin of CEEF, and LFEF’s representatives namely, Mr. Gordon P.K. Lee, Miss Li Yuen Mui and Mr. King K.C. Lo, together with Mr. Huang Ming Guang (CPPCC Vice-chairman of Qiandongnan), attended Gouwu School again and signed up the mutual agreement for the Gouwu Lotus School project. Other signatories included the Congjiang county authority and education bureau and the local government representatives. This HK$360,000 project covered 240 sets of desk and chair, a flag platform, toilets and canteen facilities, etc.
Reviewing the project, in January 2008, Cuili region was adversely affected by a snow disaster rarely seen for the last century, resulting power stoppage, road blockage and problem in relation to construction work as well as material delivery. With the joint cooperation among the construction team, the villagers and the teaching staff, all the hardship was overcome and the new school building turned into existence. The new school operation marked the joint co-operation between Guizhou and Hong Kong and a dream came true for the teachers and students. Firstly, I hereby extend my sincere thanks to the said Mr. Lee, Miss Li and Mr. Lo for their unconditional donation. Also thanks to LFEF’s donation of 230 sets of back-packs with stationery to all 230 students and the teaching team in celebrating the opening ceremony. Also thanks to Tour Unit of the Hong Kong Chinese Civil Servants’ Association for their kind donation of sporting facilities. My special thanks to Mr. Cheung Chun Hung and Miss Lee Ming Yui for their donation of computer facilities to enhance the studying conditions. Last but not the least, my heartedly thanks to all the key representatives of the county and local authorities for their full support and assistance throughout the project. Also many thanks to the valuable assistance from those silent supporters behind the scene.
The opening ceremony of Gouwu Lotus School and the Benevolent Library was held on 26 December,2008. Present were Mr. Huang Ming Guang (State PCC Vice-President of Qiandongnan), Miss Bai Xiao Qing (State PCC Secretary-General of Qiandongnan), Mr. Chen Xun (Deputy Head of Congjiang County), Mr. Wei Gui Xing (PCC Vice-President of Congjiang County), Mr. Tang Ji Cheng (Secretary General of PCC of Congjiang County), Director of County Education Bureau and Cuili Party Committee Secretary and so on. Representatives from Hong Kong included the aforesaid LFEF’s Mr.Lee, Miss Li and Mr. Lo; also representatives of HKCCSA, Chairlady Miss Ava Lai and members : Miss Celine Cheung, Mr. Frankie Liu, Mr. Cheung Chun Hung, Miss Ada Mak, Miss Cynthia Cheung, Mr. Cheung Chi Keung, and Miss Lau Oi Mei. CEEF’s representatives include President Ban H.K. Li, and members : Mr. He Jin Lin, Mr. Lee Po Ming, Mr.Ee Tee from Malaysia, and Mr. Huang Jin Hua form Guangzhou. Party was warmly met by the welcoming parade composed of the Yao’s clans and all the students and teachers and each guest was offered the customary wine upon entering the premises. Mr. Lee of LFEF, in his opening address, congratulated the success of the school project aid and encouraged the students to study hard with a view for a better future. Mr. Ban H.K. Li, on behalf of the Hong Kong donors, appealed to all students and in particular the 40 students receiving financial aids to hold on the learning opportunity. Meanwhile the teachers and students were called upon to undertake the “Green School Plan” whereby trees and plants and flowers from the nearby hills were to be planted at the school campus with a view to enhancing their own study environments and their concern towards the school facilities.
In making this opening ceremony more remarkable, on spot painting competition was held with the subject of “My dream car”. 15 contestants each from the junior and senior groups were called for. Prior painting competition with subject theme of “Gouwu-20 years after” was called for with entries of distinguished quality. Essay competitions held earlier on with the subjects on “Gouwu-20 years after”, “My school expectation”, “Who I am wanted to be?”. Prize presentations were conducted forthwith. Meanwhile HKCCSA’s members conducted sporting events of table tennis, basket ball etc as well as group inter-active games with the students, and the event was concluded with joyful cheers throughout.